Nonprofit Services
(Starting at $75 per hour)
We provide technical assistance to grantseeking nonprofit organizations. Our services are offered on a sliding fee scale based on a nonprofit's prior fiscal year's gross revenues.
$75/hr | $0 - $999,999
$90/hr | $1,000,000 - $1,499,999
$105/hr | $1,500,000 +
Grant research
Grant writing
Proposal/application review
Grant reporting
Grants management​
($175 per hour)
We specialize in board development for grassroots nonprofit organizations.
Board leadership training & team building
Board roles & responsibilities orientation
Board committee & task force consultation
Board composition matrix development
Board recruitment support
Board self-assessment facilitation
Board retreat facilitation
($175 per hour)
We specialize in revenue planning and succession planning for small to mid-size nonprofits.
Fund development planning
Revenue model consultation
We support leadership teams in understanding the major nonprofit funding steams (government contracts, foundation funding, fee-for-service, individual donations, membership).
We support leadership teams in designing or upgrading a revenue model (most promising mix of funding streams) needed in order to execute the nonprofit's strategic priorities.
Annual fund planning
We support nonprofits in designing or upgrading annual fund plans with a particular focus on increasing unrestricted revenues through donor cultivation and stewardship.
Succession planning
Executive & senior staff transitions (unplanned absence, planned departure or emergency departure)