Special Discounts & Offers
We value giving back to the community. Our special discounts and free services are updated periodically.
For more information, please contact info@optimizepassion.com
Offer valid through 7/15/20
*must be used within 2 months of redemption*
We are currently offering our 3-session individualized nonprofit crash course to founders for free. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour and covers the topics listed below.
Nonprofit 101 crash course
First Session
Organizing documents
Mission & vision
Board roles & responsibilities
Executive director duties
Second Session
Logic models
Program outputs vs. outcomes
Program evaluation
Third Session
Accounting & budgeting
Fundraising & grants
Strategic planning
Policies & procedures
Offer valid through 8/1/20
*must be used within 2 months of redemption*
We are currently offering special discounts on some of our capacity building services to nonprofits with budgets of $500,000 to $999,999.
10% discount on fundraising
Special events assistance
Organizational capacity & life stage assessment
We are currently offering this service for free to our nonprofit clients.
Offer valid through 8/15/20
*must be used within 3 months of redemption*
We are currently offering our computer skills trainings for free to first-generation and nontraditional college students, and nonprofits organizations. Each training lasts approximately 50 minutes. You may choose to schedule a one-on-one or group training!
Computer skills training
Computer basics
Internet / e-mail / digital calendars
Google Drive / Dropbox
Video conferencing
Conference calling
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Publisher
Adobe Acrobat Reader / PDFs
Offer valid through 8/1/20
*must be used within 2 months of redemption*
We are currently offering special discounts on some of our capacity building services to nonprofits with budgets of $50,000 to $499,999.
30% discount on fundraising
Case statement
Fund development planning
Special events assistance
Organizational capacity & life stage assessment
We are currently offering this service for free to our nonprofit clients.